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Walking Among the Shadows: Awakening: Revised Edition Page 8

  Gotcha! I knew it, I thought.

  “But I love sports and I try to go to as many games as my time allows. Congratulations again on making the team, I’ve heard the Warriors have a real chance of winning the state championship this year.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard that too.”

  “Well, with you on the team I’m certain their chances just got better.”

  “That is a beautiful car you have out there,” Tony interjected.

  “Ah yes, the Bentley. Thank you, Tony.”

  “So Aiden,” my mom interrupted. “I guess it’s time, huh?”

  A huge smile grew on my face. Yes! I could barely contain my excitement.

  “You’ve kept your end of the bargain and even exceeded my expectations with your academics. So since you went that extra mile, I did too. Let’s all go to the garage.”

  We sprinted towards the door leading into the garage from the kitchen. As I opened the door I got a glimpse of something I needed to wipe my eyes to believe. I nearly fainted when the garage door opened, revealing a most beautiful sight. There it was in all its splendor, the car of my dreams exactly as I dreamed it would be: the 2010 Chevy Camaro, and it was the SS model with the sickest ground effect kit on the market. The exterior was jet black with blood-red graphics. The Camaro sat on twenty- inch rear rims and custom nineteen-inch rims in the front. The rims were jet black as well with a blood-red two-inch lip.

  I took a step back as tears immediately started filling my eyes. I slowly walked over to the car and opened the door. The interior was black and red leather. It came equipped with a seven-inch touch screen entertainment unit. It was perfect in every way. As I slowly sat in the driver’s seat, tears kept rolling down my face. I placed my hands on the steering wheel and exhaled. This day couldn’t get any better. How could it? The keys were already in the ignition; I glanced over at my mom and she nodded, giving me the O.K. to turn the ignition. The roar of the engine filled the garage and the house. It was beautiful.

  “Mom, I…I don’t…thank you so much.”

  She walked over to the car as I got out and held me in her arms crying as she whispered in my ear, “You’re welcome, no mother could wish for a better son.”

  “Man, this is so emotional,” Tony protested. “I can’t be crying like this.”

  We all started laughing at Tony’s silly ass.

  “Thank you, Mom. This is the best birthday gift ever!”

  “You’re welcome, but there is one more thing,” my mom said. “Look in the glove compartment, there’s something else there for you.”

  I quickly hopped back in the car and reached over to open the glove compartment, and after a quick pull of the handle the door swung down and out popped an envelope. Opening the envelope revealed a birthday card with a Visa gift card worth one thousand dollars.

  “Oh sh…” I quickly looked at my mom catching myself, and from the look on her face I just sidestepped a disaster.

  “Okay, be careful. Don’t get grounded on your birthday Aiden,” she warned.

  For several weeks prior to my birthday I was trying to figure out what I was going to do concerning spending money for this night. I wanted to buy something new to wear and also have some money to spend at the club. I considered dipping into my savings for my trip to Spain but I wasn’t enthused about going that route. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is what my mom called it. I didn’t want to ask my mom for any money because I was preparing to get a new car and I knew she would be spending a lot on it, but nothing like what I was sitting in now. This was well beyond what I was expecting. Yeah, I was dreaming about this car but realistically I wasn’t expecting it.

  “Mom, can we…?”

  “Yes Aiden, you can take it for a spin,” my mom answered before I could get the question out fully.

  “We’re gonna go to the mall real quick to get some clothes for tonight.”

  “Okay be careful, the insurance papers are in the glove box, don’t lose them. And do you have your license with you?”


  Then from behind me I heard Sarah ask, “Can I come with?”

  I was in a really good mood so I replied she could. I was feeling too good to actually tell her no right now. “Yes!” Sarah yelled and quickly hopped in the back seat. As we pulled off we all yelled our byes and nice meeting you to Jason. I put my foot on the gas pedal slightly and the Camaro responded like the jewel she was, the roar of her engine could be heard loud and clear down our street.

  On the way to the mall we discussed Jason and how cool he seemed. Tony expressed caution, citing it was still too soon to give him the keys to the kingdom. Tony had a point, but we all had to admit being around Jason made us feel uncannily comfortable.


  After doing some showboating and shopping, we headed back home to get ready for the night’s festivities. Sarah was downstairs playing with Mom and Jason on the Wii and I could hear they were having a ball. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was glowing with energy. Everything fit perfectly and the way I looked brought a smile on my face. Yeah, I looked great. I wasn’t the player Tony was but I definitely had swag tonight. I could get used to this. Being a little popular shouldn’t hurt. And with that car, whew! When I get to school on Monday it’s going to be mayhem! I smiled to myself at the thought of all the attention I would get in that car. Tony called me about fifteen minutes ago saying he was on his way. It was around 10:30 p.m.; it would take us around forty minutes to get to the club. In anticipation of our arrival Tony’s cousin let security know we would be coming.

  My mom knew where we were going and I knew she felt uncomfortable about letting us go but she knew it’s better to allow us to go than to force us to sneak. She just advised me not to forget who I was while I was out having a good time.

  There’s the doorbell.

  Tony’s here. I could hear Tony boasting about how he could beat Jason on the Wii. I took one more look at myself and popped my collar, but the image that glared back at me was one I wasn’t too comfortable with. Some things weren’t for me and popping collars was one of them. When I got downstairs to the media room, I walked in to Tony getting served on the Wii. Jason was pretty good.

  “I see you got skills, Jason,” I said.

  “I have a lil something,” Jason teased.

  “Oh, I see I’m gonna have to school you because Tony isn’t a challenge.”

  “Oh, is that so?” protested Tony.

  “And you know this!”

  My mom and Sarah were sharing the loveseat while Sarah leaned on my mom’s shoulder. This picture was kind of shocking because Sarah hadn’t been this affectionate since she was a toddler. Jason definitely had a relaxing effect on our family, like he was the missing piece and now that he was here the puzzle was complete. But watching this made me miss my dad and Manny. Every year I would get an email or call from Manny on my birthday. But today I got nothing.

  “Mom, did he call?”

  She shook her head no as she walked over to me smiling.

  “Listen, I know if he didn’t he has a perfectly good reason. Don’t let this dampen your mood, baby, have fun tonight. And watch your back and behave! I’m not in the mood to go to the police station and bail you two out. You hear me?”

  “Yes!” we answered. “Okay, we’re gone! Have fun. Good night, Jason.”

  “Good night Aiden. Have fun and it was a real pleasure finally meeting you guys. I see why your mom is so happy. She has some amazing children.”

  “Thank you!”

  “Ah Jason stop sucking up,” demanded Sarah. “Come on, so I can beat you again.”

  “Oh, a challenge?” Jason responded.


  “You’re on.” I liked seeing Sarah like this. Even Tony was shocked at her behavior. “Okay, we’re going.”

  “Happy Birthday, baby!” “Thanks, Mom.”

  Our ride to Chicago consisted of a lot of whistles from cars full of girls and envious looks from guys wishing they
had a car like mine. It was glorious! When we arrived to the club the security guard immediately recognized Tony and valet parked the car. We walked straight in, no lines and no charge.

  Just awesome!

  When we got inside the club the energy was unbelievable—the music, lights, the people—it was just amazing. I looked like a little kid in the biggest candy store in the world, wide-eyed and hungry. Tony’s cousins walked over to greet us. Chris was one of the most successful club owners in the city. He was a very large and intimidating man that used his physical appearance to his advantage when he faced some of the unsavory characters that frequented the club scene in the city. He successfully ran his club without any violence and code violations since he opened it three years ago. So it was a big deal that he allowed us in his club because of the risk. He considered Tony’s dad a father figure and he loved Tony like a brother and this could explain him taking such a big risk. I’ve met him before but only briefly and he treated me like a close family member even though he barely knew me.

  “Hey cuz!”

  “What’s up, Chris!”

  “You see what’s up! It’s jumping in here tonight. What’s up birthday boy?”

  “Hey Chris, what’s up?

  “Been a long time!”

  “Yeah, about three years.”

  “Yep, well tonight’s your night, so let’s make up for lost time.” Chris looked over toward the bar and gestured for four of the most beautiful and sexy women in the club to come over.


  “Hey Chris,” they all said in unison.

  “Listen, why don’t ya’ll escort these two gentlemen over to VIP. Take real good care of them for me, okay?”


  “And special care of this one, it’s his birthday.”

  “Oh really? Happy Birthday!”

  “Thank y—”

  Before I could get it all out, each one of these beautiful women kissed me on the lips one after the other. The shock and sexual awakening caused my knees to tremble. My senses were heightened and their lips sent chills down my spine. Tony almost fell over laughing at my reaction.

  “Dude, I should’ve taken your picture just then. Tony then started mocking me by shaking like he was having a seizure.

  Over in the VIP the girls waited on us hand and foot, periodically sitting on our laps and keeping us company in between serving drinks and running errands for Chris. Eventually Tony decided to order us some drinks. I immediately felt uneasy and Tony noticed my change in attitude when he handed me a shot of some unknown liquor.

  “Dude, you think I should?”

  “Why not?”

  “You know?”

  “Damn Aiden, is Jasmine here? No okay, we are forty-five minutes away from her. Let’s get it in, bruh. It’s your night!”

  He was right. I made the team when everything seemed lost. I got my dream car, and my mom’s new boyfriend was actually a really cool dude. A celebration was in order. You only live once, right? After three hours of countless drinks and dancing with all kinds of women, we were having the time of our lives. The DJ was spinning his ass off and every woman in the club looked like supermodels. Yeah, I was drunk off my ass and it felt so good! The room’s energy was addictive similar to the feeling I experienced waiting in the hall at school for the tryout results. But it seemed the alcohol made the feeling more forbidden and sexual. Before I knew it I was on my back on a couch in VIP in a deep and passionate tongue wrestling match with one of our vixen waitresses. I didn’t know how old she was but I could only guess she was older and more experienced than I was by the way she moved her body in rhythm with the music in ways I never knew possible. We both were out of control as the music became the soundtrack to our passion. Her skin was so soft, so warm, and alive. I could hear Tony yelling over the loud music, “Look at my boy getting it in!”

  The room was spinning and this nameless vixen and I were spiraling out of control. Her touch was so soft yet so experienced, she knew exactly where to touch me to send my nerves into frenzy. She was definitely more experienced than any of the girls at Deerfield High. My skin was getting warmer, and the warmer I got the wilder she became until I could barely contain myself. The DJ sent a shout out to me, wishing me a happy birthday, and the whole club joined in. That unified energy hit me like a bat and I became dizzy with lust and I wanted more.

  “Are you ready, baby?” she whispered in my ear.

  I shook my head yes. I was ready for whatever she was giving. I wanted her so bad and she knew it.

  “Mmm, baby. Yes…” she whispered in my ear.

  Her hands began moving under my shirt, rubbing my chest as she started to move her hands down towards my belt buckle. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me right here in VIP. I had no idea what she was planning to do to me but I was willing to find out. She started to undo my belt buckle and I just relaxed my body in anticipation of the pleasure she was about the give me. The music became louder and the lights in the club seemed to flash faster and more intensely. I looked at her as she smiled, licking her lips. Oh my God! The energy was building inside me more and more as each second passed. I looked in her eyes and I saw the look of desire and lust, and then without warning I blacked out….

  Where am I?

  It was pitch-black, with a downpour so heavy I could barely see my hands right in front of my face. Straining my eyes, I started to slowly make out images of what appeared to be massive stone hedges surrounding me in the darkness. I’d only been standing there for about ten seconds and I was already soaked down to my underwear. The raindrops seemed to possess an eerie glow to them and they were much larger than usual. They fell around me with force and purpose as if an unseen master commanded them to break everything in their path. As hard as the rain fell on the ground and the stone slates, they made no sound after impact. Everything around me was quiet; too quiet. I then had a terrifying thought, Jasmine was here with us in the club and I was experiencing another waking nightmare. But somehow this felt different, like it had a purpose beyond fear and malice. It was strange but I felt I was supposed to see or experience something very important. I looked around to get my bearings and started moving through the night and rain trying to navigate around these large stone structures.

  What is this? Where am I? And how did I get here?

  The last thing I remembered was being at the club in the VIP section with the waitress about to receive a most exhilarating birthday gift.

  The more I moved, the deeper it seemed I got into this maze of stone and water. Eventually the fear of the unknown and the rising waters now around my knees sent me into hysteria and I opened my mouth to call out for help; but nothing came out. The more I tried to force sound from my mouth, the more I felt as if someone or something was tightening its grip around my neck. I started to panic as my air was immediately cut off causing me to fall to my knees. Tears filled my eyes as my chest burned with a feeling like it was going to explode in any second. A searing hot pain started moving inside my chest and throat. I couldn’t scream or breathe, all I could do was endure this torture. I started having stomach spasms and the exact same acidic black filth that I threw up during tryouts exploded out of my mouth like a volcano. It fell to the ground and instead of burning the ground it started behaving like a cancerous virus infecting everything it came in contact with; moving and growing like a living plaque, consuming the rain, the stones, and everything in its path.. The more it consumed, the darker and thicker the night around me became, and a feeling of hopelessness and doom began to invade the air.

  As I broke out in a feverous sweat I tried to inhale again and to my surprise and relief I succeeded. The rush of air into my lungs caused me to collapse on my back and I started coughing uncontrollably. I was hot, as if a deadly fever had taken hold of me. The air around me was hot as well and was getting hotter as this black filth consumed more and more around me. The air coming out of my mouth was hot, but as it came in contact with the infected air it beh
aved as if the temperature was below freezing. The confusion going on in my mind was nothing compared to the chaos happening around me.

  In the faraway blackness of this sinister night I could hear the screams of life being consumed by this filth, which came from within me.

  I have to get out of here, I thought as I slowly stood up.

  I thought about yelling for help again but decided against it. After the torture I just endured I wasn’t taking a chance for a repeat. The rain was changing into the same black evil filth I coughed up, and as it fell it took hold of everything. I was covered in it; its smell was like raw sewage and felt alive moving along my skin, trying to find a way inside my body. But for some strange reason it couldn’t. I held my hands out in front of me, watching it move up and down my hands and arms.

  What is this stuff?

  I felt a vibration beneath my feet and then it grew into a thunderous rumble as the ground began to give way underneath me. The rumble grew into a deafening roar as the ground shifted and moved. The sudden movement made my heart almost jump out my chest. The earth started to split and crack open like fine porcelain hitting a hard surface. Through the cracks I could see a glowing light coming from the core of the earth. I tried to move but every shift of my weight caused the ground beneath me to sink and crack even more.

  In the dim light I could see the black ominous substance pouring into the earth through the cracks, invading the very core of the planet. The light coming from the core slowly started to extinguish as this black filth began to take over and destroy the planet from the inside. The final glimmer of warmth was out and the earth trembled violently as it accepted its fate. This was it!

  I wanted to believe it was all a horrible nightmare and that before I would fall to my death I would wake up passed out on the club’s VIP-room floor. But lately my life hadn’t been going in the direction of reality. Everything was out of whack and bizarre. Relying on this being a nightmare was not a good idea at the moment, so I had to start thinking on how to get out of this mess or accept my fate. The ground buckled and I braced myself for the worst. In the darkness I could see a protruding edge just within reach. An edge I could reach if I dove towards it in a final attempt to live. The earth beneath me began to moan, seemingly aware of my plan for a final dive for life and it was voicing its disapproval. If I was going to do this, now was the time. Leaning forward and swinging my arms, I prepared to jump towards my only salvation.